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The Dry Dock


This webpage provides information on Forth Ports Limited’s proposals and sets out opportunities for the public to engage, ask questions and make comment upon the development proposals which will inform any future planning application.

A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) for the proposed business led development was submitted to City of Edinburgh Council on 21 June 2024 setting out the details of pre-application consultation.

The PAN makes provision for ‘Business, General Industrial, Storage and Distribution, Training/Education facility, with ancillary retail, food and drink including bar and associated development including parking  (Use Classes 1A, 3, 4, 5, 6,10 and sui generis public house)’

Forth Ports Limited welcomes the views of the public which will assist in developing the proposals further. The proposed development forms part of Forth Ports’ plans to contribute towards the ongoing regeneration of Edinburgh’s waterfront.

First consultation event

The first of two public exhibitions will be held

At: Ocean Terminal, Ocean Drive, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 6JJ

On: 30 July 2024 between 3pm and 7pm

At the event details of the proposals will be available. Forth Ports and their design team will be available to answer your questions and receive your feedback. A response form will be available at the event.


A link to a copy of the exhibition boards from the event on 30 July 2024 is provided below.

View/Download Public Exhibition Presentation Boards


Forth Ports Limited would be delighted to receive your feedback. All feedback should be submitted by 20 August 2024

You can provide feedback at any time before the deadline by:

  • Completing and submitting the online form which will be available here following the event
  • Picking up a copy of the feedback form at our event on 30 July  and return directly to a member of our team;  or
  • Downloading the feedback form available here following the event, complete it and return by either email or post to the contact at the bottom of this page.
What happens next:

A second and final consultation event will be held in due course and at that event we will set out how we have responded to the feedback we have received. We will publish a notice of the event in the Edinburgh Evening News, notify the local community councils and properties close to the site as well as publishing the date of the event at when this is confirmed.

When we submit the planning application, it shall be accompanied by a Pre-Application Report which will set out what comments were received as part of the preapplication process and how these have been considered by the Applicant.

At the pre-application stage, all comments are comments to the prospective Applicant. Comments should not be made to the Planning Authority, City of Edinburgh Council. If a planning application is submitted to City of Edinburgh Council, normal neighbour notification and publicity will be undertaken at that time and you will have the opportunity to make formal representations regarding the proposal.

Alternatively, you can download the form, complete it and return by either email or post to the contact at the bottom of this page:
View contact details.


The business led development will be located to the east of Edinburgh Dock. It will support both creative and green jobs, as the Port of Leith transitions to become Scotland’s premier renewables hub.


At the time of this event we expect development to progress along the following timeline:

July 2024 – First Public Event

Late August / September 2024 – Second Public Event

October 2024 – Planning Application and Listed Building Consent submitted to City of Edinburgh Council

Spring 2025 – Determination of Planning Application

Q2 2025– Commence development

Q1 2026 – First occupation

The ship's wheel logo of Forth Ports in the brand's red colour

About Us

Forth Ports

Forth Ports was established in 1967 as a Port Authority and through continued investment and acquisitions we have grown to be the 3rd largest port operator group in the UK. Investment has always been and remains a core strategy for Forth Ports. Our continuous commitment to investing for the future has positioned Forth Ports as a market leader in supporting major and specialist projects for customers across a vast array of industries, adding real value in the process. Now with over 1,100 employees, Forth Ports Group has grown to be a major UK employer, key contributor to the national economy, and trusted partner to an ever-increasing number of industry leading customers. Our ports assist in developing logistics flows across the UK and support many key industries.


Anyone who is unable to access the information on the website, or has any questions or wishes to submit their feedback via post or email can contact the Applicant via:

Holder Planning,
139 Comiston Road,
Edinburgh EH10 5QN

Telephone: 07841 487916
